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《盜賊之海》全島嶼對應地圖坐標分享 遊戲有哪些島嶼?


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B2 Sailors’ Bounty

B10.5 Crescent Isle

B13 Sea Dog’s Res

B16 Mermaid’s Hideaway

C7 Keel Haul Fort

D9 Rapier Cay

D12 Golden Sand Outpost

D15 Lagoon of Whispers

E5 Sandy Shallow

E17 Sailor’s Knot Stronghold

E20.5 Discovery Ridge

F2.5 Smuggler’s Bay

G23 Old Salts Atoll

H5 Boulder Cay

H11 Cannon Cove

H19.5 Plunder Valley

I3 Salty Sands

I9 Lonely Isle

I13 Twin Groves

I24 Shark Bait Cove

J6 Lone Cove

J11 Rum Runner Isle

J21 Lost gold Fort

K4 Picaroon Palms

K17 Fools Lagoon

K19 Chicken Isle

L25 Lookout Point

M16.5 Castaway Isle

M22 Plunder Outpost

N4 Scurvy Isley

N19 Snake Island

N25 Booty Isle

O6 Kraken Watchtower

O21 Paradise Spring

P17 Old Boot Fort

Q3.5 Dagger Tooth Outpost

Q12 Shipwreck Bay

Q19 Crook’s Hollow

Q22 Cutlass

R24 Mutineer Rock

S6 Blind Man’s Lagoon

S10 Isle of Last Words

S21.5 The Crow’s Nest Fortress

T3 Black Sand Atoll

T8 The Sunken Grove

T13 The Crooked Masts

T19 Barnacle Cay

U15 Shark Tooth Key

U24 Devil’s Ridge

V3 Marauder’s Arch

V6 plunderer’s Plight

V13 Shiver Retreat

V21 Ancient Spire Outpost

W11 Tri-Rock Isle

X5 Black Water Enclave

X9 Galleon’s Grave Outpost

X15 Kraken’s Fall

Y13 Liar’s Backbone

《盜賊之海》全島嶼對應地圖坐標分享 遊戲有哪些島嶼?
